Closet Clean-Out you've never seen before.



  • We will evaluate what you already have (clothing, shoes, and accessories)

  • Includes Closet Organization (by color, type, and occasion).

  • Determine clothing that will need to be altered, consigned or donated.

  • Determine which pieces are your wardrobe “anchors” to begin your capsule wardrobe.

  • Re-assess what your wardrobe needs are moving forward and create a shopping list.

what happens in the closet clean-out?

The Closet Clean-Out is a thorough and streamlined process because the initial image consultation created a filter to easily sift through clothing by color, fit, and style.

The image consultant will organize clothing and accessories into categories to keep, consign or donate. It is best if the client is available to review periodically or try on clothing to review fit.

If clients selected the Deluxe or Premium packages, they receive the goal analysis which helps the image consultant organize their closets not only based on what is most flattering, but also what matches the clients’ lifestyle (i.e. prioritizing professional, personal, or occasional attire).

  • Recommended to schedule seasonally for Fall/Winter or Spring/Summer;

  • Average 3 hrs depending on closet size.


This service is charged by the hour, so it can be customized to the clients’ needs.

The image consultant makes notes of what the client has and needs for a capsule wardrobe, then she makes a shopping list to replace or select certain clothing and accessories to maximize the client’s wardrobe.

Typically, the image consultant will work alone, but the client is welcome to observe the image consultant to ask questions about the decisions being made to gain a further understanding and application of the image analyses. This extra benefit will be reflected in the price, as this would require more time.

This service is more than organization, as it is a strategic placement of clothing organized by color and style to save time and mental energy when selecting what to wear for every occasion.


  • First Two Hours: $200/hour

  • Following Hourly Rate: $100/hour