Inside Out Image Consulting gives you a custom roadM.A.P. to live your best life from the inside out.
The M.A.P. Process
Be clear on who you are, which transforms your Mindset.
With custom coaching and analyses of lifestyle and goals, you will be clear on who you are and the message you not only want to send, but you will embody. Achieving what matters to you is within reach with the right clarity and focus.
Be clear on what looks best on you, which enhances your Appearance.
With image consultation packages and add-on services, you will have the tools you need to ensure your appearance is in harmony with your mindset—putting your best foot forward in all aspects of your life.
Be clear on the message you send, which magnifies your Presence.
With services to assess your body language and in-person or virtual impressions, you will gain insight to improve your overall presence and send the right message without saying a word.
Why would I need the M.A.P. process?
Abigail Cole, the founder and CEO of Inside Out Image Consulting, founded the M.A.P. process because she realized people needed a three-fold approach to give lasting confidence especially to those facing life transitions.
Life transitions can leave us feeling unsure of ourselves and “lost.” Trying to navigate through a new professional role, a new relationship status, a new physical change in your body, or another change in your life, can leave you feeling unsure of yourself and lacking confidence.
When we lose confidence, we do not take bold initiatives to truly represent who we are in our skillsets or relationships. In an attempt to find confidence, some may turn to a coach to help their mindset, a stylist to help their appearance, or a branding specialist to help make better impressions with their presence, but this takes time and the process becomes disjointed.
Inside Out Image Consulting offers a succinct process by providing a custom roadM.A.P to those lost in a life transition to quickly gain confidence in who they are, how to look their best, and send the right message in all of their impressions.
So if you feel lost in a life transition, Inside Out Image Consulting will give you a M.A.P.
Be clear on who you are.
Mindset is the first part of the M.A.P. process because that is where confidence lives. Our main goal for you is to live your best life rooted in confidence, clarity and authenticity. We want you to be clear on who you are, which will determine the message you will send through your appearance and presence.
We understand that you may have a mental health professional or life coach that has helped or is helping you with your mindset. That’s great! We want you to value this important investment in yourself. We still want to encourage you to add our coaching services to your “tool belt” as we offer different skills from most mental health or coaching professionals.
Because we evaluate who you are through the M.A.P. lens, we identify roadblocks in your mindset that affect your appearance and presence. We are trying to create harmony not just on the inside, but encourage integration with the outside appearance and all encounters in your personal and professional relationships.
Thus, we offer our signature “Inside Out Package” to integrate who you are with your appearance and presence. While these services set the stage for clarifying who you are and what you would like to achieve in your current life season, we provide further coaching to anchor confidence from the inside out.
We understand that your goals are personal to you, so we allow you to “customize your coaching” type to fit your needs.
We offer the following types of coaching:
Makeup Tutorial
To learn more, please visit the Customize Your Coaching page.
Be clear on what looks best on you.
Appearance is an instant confidence boost and a way to start owning the fundamentals of your mindset. While this is an inside out transformation, we start by showing quick results from the “outside in” by starting with the image consultation.
We all know the instant confidence boost from a “good hair day” or wearing a new blazer with the perfect fit. Our outlook starts to change; our energy in the room starts to shift; people start noticing an attractive positivity about us. Why couldn’t this be our everyday?
It can.
Inside Out Image Consulting makes it possible to differentiate through the trends and define your best look. While we offer most of our appearance services separately, we encourage our image consultation packages that are specifically designed to give you a complete image portfolio to sort through the trends. A basic image portfolio is comprised of color, fit, and style analyses which explains the science of what looks good and why it does.
When you learn the power to say no to certain trends and stop playing a guessing game when it comes to shopping, you will feel confident and empowered. This empowerment will transfer into other areas of your life. When you are clear on what looks best on you, you will save time, money, and mental energy in your decision-making.
In addition to the image consultation packages, we offer add-on services like closet clean-out and personal shopping to make your wardrobe updated and streamlined to who you are. Our approach is based on your image portfolio to avoid guesswork and guarantee efficiency.
To start the M.A.P. process, we advise you to begin as follows:
We encourage this order because we want you feeling the instant confidence boost in your appearance that we will fully anchor in your coaching.
Be clear on the message you send.
Presence is the integration of the mindset and appearance. We want you to be able to send the right message without saying a word. This is where impressions are made— whether in-person or online. We address this portion in Brand Development and Presence Coaching.
Presence can also be described as a first impression. You may have heard that it takes a tenth of a second to form an impression of someone, then seven seconds to confirm or deny the judgements made in that tenth of a second. The problem is that the those judgements made in seven seconds cannot be changed unless you meet the person seven more times and have a different experience each time. Imagine having to go back on a bad date seven more times—highly unlikely.
Thus, we want you to have all the tools you need not only to make a good impression, but truly represent who you are in your presence.
The M.A.P. process works by effectively using all spectrums of communication.
According to the psychology professor, Albert Mehrabian’s 7-38-55 Theory, the breakdown of communicating a first impression is the following:
7% Words
55% Appearance
38% Presence (body language and tone of voice)
Thus, Inside Out Image Consulting helps you convey who you are through your best appearance, but also provides feedback and coaching on your presence. This is why we don’t just offer image consultations. We understand that your presence and your words are rooted in your mindset. How you feel about yourself, your aptitudes, and your self-worth determines your impression on others.
It’s easy to automatically assume that those who look polished or “put-together” must value their own worth more than those who look otherwise. The truth is, those who appear to have made less of an effort are simply sending the wrong message by their impression.
By evaluating your presence and determining the message you try to send like “I am a leader” or “I am a catch” or “I am worth the investment,” we will make sure you truly communicate who you are in your appearance and presence while aligning with your mindset.
You are Worth It.
We know you have something special to offer the world. We do not want you to have any limitations in your impression or unintentionally communicate anything that is not true of you.
You are worth being seen for who you are.
You are worth looking your best.
You are worth the message you send.
“We are not going to make you into something that you are not, but only show more of who you are.”
-Abigail Cole,
Founder & CEO of Inside Out Image Consulting